Saturday, October 10, 2015

Foliage Drive #4: From Milton to Montgomery...accidentally oops

When I got up yesterday it was overcast again (still) and I was really hoping for a beautiful partly cloudy day.  I had planned to go to Groton but I had no one to go with and while I'm pretty confident I could have handled it by myself my mother planted enough seeds of doubt so I instead arranged to go with a friend on a different day (thanks Mom LOL).  As a mother myself I get it.

So instead I decided to check out Belvidere Pond again, and maybe some back roads in Johnson/Jeffersonville that I hadn't seen yet. Belvidere Pond looked like this a week or so ago when Kris and I drove up:

September 26, 2015
It's pretty and all, but I knew it was going to get better.  Around 10:00 there started to be breaks in the clouds and I jumped in the car with camera in hand on my adventure!

First I drove from Milton to Cambridge via Milton-Westford Road to Route 128 to Route 104, stopping at Fairfax Falls to see the view from up there.

Milton-Westford Road

Milton-Westford Road

Milton-Westford Road

Across from Bove Property on Milton-Westford Road

Georgia Mountain

Route 128

From Fairfax Falls

From Fairfax Falls
From Fairfax Falls
I decided to go across the bridge to River Road in order to take a more scenic approach to Cambridge, since I'd already been through parts of Cambridge this week!

From Cambridge I headed to the little roundabout thingie that took me to Route 109 through Waterville and into Belvidere:

Then I left and headed back toward the beautiful intersection of 118 and 109...

When I got to Montgomery (which was not my original destination lol) I was hoping there would be a place to park so I could walk around.  Alas, as I am not familiar with the area, I did not find such a place.  So I had to stop on the road a few times (very little traffic at this time of day) and pull over in a couple of spots to get any pictures.

And we're back in Belvidere!

On my way back from Montgomery towards Cambridge, I decided to hook a left down a road that my college friends and I used to drive down.  Amazing how you don't notice the beauty of a place when you are using it for a short cut to somewhere else as a teenager ;)

 I thought I'd go through Fletcher and try to find Metcalf Pond again...didn't quite work out that way!

Umm....River Road...I've seen this before

Hmmm this looks familiar!!

Back on 104!!!

It was a long trip but very worth all the house work I didn't get to do :)

Elisabeth Finstad 2015

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are a really good photographer! It is not easy to set up shots well and you are consistently looking good.
    Keep up the good work.
